
To register as an exhibitor, please completely fill out the form and send it.

The information provided will be archived by the organisation, and will exclusively be used for your registration for the show.

You should recieve a confirmation by Email. If you don’t get this something went wrong and you should register again! Please make sure you correctly fill out all the fields in the form.

Please make sure fields marked with * are filled out, or the form will not be sent!!




    Phone number


    Willl you be staying on our campsite? (€ 20,- per place for the weekend)*

    Will you partake in the Saturday evening barbecue? (€ 20,- P.P.)
    Please register for the barbecue AT LEAST 1 month before the show.
    Registration is binding and commits you to pay.

    If yes, how many people for the barbecue?* (no = 0)

    Are you an exhibitor, visitor or trader?*

    On wich days will you be present?*


    It is not permitted to drive vehicles on the show grounds during the opening hours of the show. It is therefore not possible, for whatever reason, to load engines and leave during the show; this is only allowed again at the end of each show day.

    Participating in the show and entering the venue, either as exhibitor, visitor or trader, is at your own risk. Exhibitors must ensure that they have a liability insurance for any damage caused by him / her or by his / her exhibit(s) or merchandise. During the event, (motion) pictures will be taken, and these will possibly be published over the internet or social media. It is not possible to object to this, so if you do not wish to be captured on photo or film, please do not enter the show venue.

    Check box for acceptance please.